🎥 You want his two important Burnameh with a galaxy against Iran Bibi!
On the largest of Bahnash, an effective politician:
Brandazi Dar Iran Agreed Agadat Agreement; Sultanitan, two hypocrites, Jayyer, between Mirdam, Iran Ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🎥 تودهنی جانانه مهمان برنامه به مجری ضد ایرانی بیبیسی!
علیاکبر بهمنش، فعال سیاسی:
🔺براندازی در ایران اتفاق نخواهد افتاد؛ نه سلطنتطلبان و نه منافقین جایی در بین مردم ایران ندارند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🎥您希望他的两个重要的伯纳梅(Burnameh)与伊朗比比(Iran Bibi)的星系!
Brandazi dar Iran同意Agadat协议;苏丹塔坦(Sultanitan),两个伪君子,杰耶(Jayyer),伊朗·恩达(Mirdam),伊朗·恩达(Mirdam)。
sibah siperi pasdarran👇🏻
🎥 Você quer os dois importantes Burnameh com uma galáxia contra o Irã Bibi!
Na maior de Bahnash, um político eficaz:
Brandozi Dar Irã concordou com o Acordo Agadat; Sultanitan, dois hipócritas, Jayyer, entre Mirdam, Irã Ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
En el más grande de Bahnash, un político efectivo:
Brandazi Dar Iran acordó el acuerdo Agadat; Sultanitan, dos hipócritas, Jayyer, entre Mirdam, Irán ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🎥 Вы хотите, чтобы его два важных Burnameh с галактикой против Ирана Биби!
На крупнейшем из Бахнаша, эффективного политика:
Брандази Дар Иран согласился с соглашением Агадата; Султанитан, два лицемера, Джеййер, между Мирдамом, Иран Ндаринд.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🎥 आप ईरान बिबी के खिलाफ एक आकाशगंगा के साथ उसके दो महत्वपूर्ण बर्नमेह चाहते हैं!
बहनाश के सबसे बड़े, एक प्रभावी राजनेता:
ब्रैंडाज़ी डार ईरान ने अगाडत समझौते पर सहमति व्यक्त की; सुल्तानिटन, दो पाखंडी, जयेर, मिरडम, ईरान नदरिंद के बीच।
सिबा सिपेरी पास्ड्रान 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🎥 Vous voulez que ses deux importants Burnameh avec une galaxie contre l'Iran Bibi!
Sur le plus grand de Bahnash, un politicien efficace:
Brandazi Dar Iran a conclu un accord Agadat; Sultanitan, deux hypocrites, Jayyer, entre Mirdam, Iran Ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🎥 تودهنی جانانه مهمان برنامه به مجری ضد ایرانی بیبیسی!
علیاکبر بهمنش، فعال سیاسی:
🔺براندازی در ایران اتفاق نخواهد افتاد؛ نه سلطنتطلبان و نه منافقین جایی در بین مردم ایران ندارند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🎥 Du willst seine beiden wichtigen Burnameh mit einer Galaxie gegen den Iran Bibi!
Auf dem größten Bahnash, einem wirksamen Politiker:
Brandazi Dariran stimmte ein Agadat -Abkommen zu; Sultanitaner, zwei Heuchler, Jayyer, zwischen Mirdam, Iran Ndarind.
Sibah siperi pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🎥 تودهنی جانانه مهمان برنامه به مجری ضد ایرانی بیبیسی!
علیاکبر بهمنش، فعال سیاسی:
🔺براندازی در ایران اتفاق نخواهد افتاد؛ نه سلطنتطلبان و نه منافقین جایی در بین مردم ایران ندارند.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
Brandazi Dar IranはAgadat契約に同意しました。スルタニタン、2人の偽善者、ジェイヤー、イラン・ンダリンのミルダムの間。
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran👇🏻
🎥 Je wilt zijn twee belangrijke Burnameh met een sterrenstelsel tegen Iran Bibi!
Op de grootste van Bahnash, een effectieve politicus:
Brandazi Dar Iran ging akkoord met Agadat -overeenkomst; Sultanitan, twee huichelaars, Jayyer, tussen Mirdam, Iran Ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🎥 Θέλετε τα δύο σημαντικά του Burnameh με έναν γαλαξία εναντίον του Ιράν Bibi!
Στο μεγαλύτερο του Bahnash, ένας αποτελεσματικός πολιτικός:
Ο Brandazi Dar Ιράν συμφώνησε τη συμφωνία Agadat. Σουλτανία, δύο υποκριτές, Jayyer, μεταξύ Mirdam, Ιράν Ndarind.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
1/31/2025, 3:56:02 PM
🔴 90 Palestinian prisoners from Azad Khawanhand.
Rasani information book, secrets confirming the Kurdish response to the perpetuity of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" reconciliation procedure for the exchange of secrets between the resistance and the Zionist regime, 90 pages in the Harmon Group. From the Palestinian Israeli Azad Khawanhand.
A reference book contains 9 captives sentenced to life imprisonment and 81 captives sentenced to long-term imprisonment.
Resistance to the Kurdish media includes 3 Israeli prisoners in the Kurdistan Region.
What's wrong with you?
1/31/2025, 4:00:27 PM
🔴 Gaza Strip is here for the exchange of captives and cards from Iran. Thank you for your support.
What's wrong with you?
1/31/2025, 4:03:06 PM
🔴 The source of the news is the most purified source of the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the martyr of Sayyed Hashim Safi al-Din on the 23rd of Lebanon.
What's wrong with you?
1/31/2025, 5:01:33 PM
🔴 An Iraqi doctor on the island said: “I was reluctant to draw a weapon now, but I don’t mean it.”
If America intends to attack the establishments of Iran in the past, the most powerful country in Iran will certainly be able to do so without thinking that the most powerful American has trampled it. There are a lot of historical doubts about this story.
▪ This is an American country that is nowhere near the target of a major decision.
What's wrong with you?
1/31/2025, 5:09:17 PM
🔴Iraq: This is an important joke in research now.
Firstly, this is Iran's latest programme. This is the most recent programme. There is a lot of information and technology inside Iran. This is the real world of Iran's programme. It has meaning and thought. Danshmandan Iran is the last time. Where is the Tuanmandi and its programmes, or the air campaigns have disappeared, and where is the technology of the existence of Dard?
These are the establishments of Iran at any point or point where there are many points on a multi-purpose vehicle, and if you have a vehicle installed in a nearby barkhordar area, these are the establishments there. There are places I will rely on that are even in the middle of the air campaigns, they are in a problem car and even it is impossible to stop.
What's wrong with you?