

Real time military news

Published date: 2/27/2025, 6:05:37 PM
2/27/2025, 6:05:37 PM
🔴 The investigations of Arish Raymaltisti: Thank you for two days, the first hours of Jinn al -Taddah. He paid a 7 lamb, after the back of the pulling puzzles. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔴تحقیقات ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی: لشکر غزه ما در اولین ساعات جنگ تسلیم شد. دفع حمله 7 اکتبر در بعد از ظهر آغاز شد. سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴对Arish Raymaltisti的调查:感谢您两天,即Jinn Al -Taddah的第一个小时。拉起拼图后,他付了一只7羔羊。 sibah siperi pasdarran👇🏻 ☑️@sepahcybery
🔴 As investigações de Arish Raymaltisti: Obrigado por dois dias, as primeiras horas de Jinn al -Taddah. Ele pagou um cordeiro 7, após a parte de trás dos quebra -cabeças. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔴 Las investigaciones de Arish Raymaltisti: Gracias por dos días, las primeras horas de Jinn al -taddah. Pagó un cordero de 7, después de la parte posterior de los rompecabezas. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @sepahcybery
🔴 Расследования Ариша Раймальтисти: Спасибо за два дня, первые часы Джинн Аль -Тадды. Он заплатил 7 ягненка после задней части загадки. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻 ☑ @sepahcybery
🔴 Arish Raymaltisti की जांच: दो दिनों के लिए धन्यवाद, जिन्न अल -टदाह के पहले घंटे। उन्होंने एक 7 मेमने का भुगतान किया, खींचने वाली पहेलियों के पीछे। सिबा सिपेरी पास्ड्रान 👇🏻 ☑ @sepahcybery
🔴 Les enquêtes d'Arish Raymaltisti: Merci pour deux jours, les premières heures de Jinn al -Taddah. Il a payé un 7 agneau, après l'arrière des énigmes de traction. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @sepahcybery
🔴تحقیقات ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی: لشکر غزه ما در اولین ساعات جنگ تسلیم شد. دفع حمله 7 اکتبر در بعد از ظهر آغاز شد. سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴 Die Ermittlungen von Arish Raymaltisti: Vielen Dank für zwei Tage, die ersten Stunden von Jinn al -Taddah. Er bezahlte nach der Rückseite der Ziehrätsel ein 7 Lamm. Sibah siperi pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @sepahcybery
🔴 Le indagini di Arish Raymaltisti: grazie per due giorni, le prime ore di Jinn al -taddah. Ha pagato un agnello da 7, dopo la parte posteriore dei puzzle che tirano. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @sepahcybery
arish Arish Raymaltistiの調査:Jinn al -Taddaの最初の数時間である2日間、ありがとう。彼は、引っ張るパズルの後ろの後、7羊を支払いました。 Sibah Siperi Pasdarran👇🏻 ☑️@sepahcybery
🔴 De onderzoeken van Arish Raymaltisti: bedankt voor twee dagen, de eerste uren van Jinn al -Taddah. Hij betaalde een lam van 7, na de achterkant van de trekkende puzzels. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔴 Οι έρευνες του Arish Raymaltisti: Σας ευχαριστώ για δύο ημέρες, τις πρώτες ώρες του Jinn al -Taddah. Πληρώνει ένα 7 αρνί, μετά το πίσω μέρος των παζλ τράβηγμα. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @sepahcybery

2/1/2025, 1:45:13 PM
Image 2025-02-01T13:45:13
🔴Sayyed Hassan Khomeini gathered the president of the public and members of the state at the shrine of the Imam: “Dashman is a strong point,” which does not mean “I am sure of a goal that I have lost.” What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
2/1/2025, 2:22:40 PM
Image 2025-02-01T14:22:40
🔴At this time, there is an important defense system in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 💢 The details of this news are very precise What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
2/1/2025, 3:10:11 PM
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🚫 A new month of Ramadan that has not been installed. A new device is installed on the device next to the next month. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
2/1/2025, 3:21:16 PM
🔴Hamas: His concern is to make people more vulnerable. Information book of the Iranian prisoners of Hamas, Kurdish media, the stage of Chaharam, according to the “Flood of the Freedmen” agreement, Imroz Agra, and 183 Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist regime, Azad Shadand. ▪Here is a confirmation booklet for the “Flood of Freedom” operations in Hamman, the people of Khawahid Dasht, until the end of the Palestinian Israeli operation. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
2/1/2025, 3:53:23 PM
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🔴Qadrani, President of the People of Iraq, is the inscription of a major martyr in strengthening Tehran-Baghdad ties. The President of the Iraqi Republic is a major martyr, inscribed on the links between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, with respect to Kurds. A major martyr who has never been confirmed as a far-sighted, social, historical and sectarian cleric of the people of Iraq and Iran who is firmly established. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY