المال The maximum network transferred to the followers of the specialist Khaoud, the testimony of Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan النيي Al -Qassam, Shakhi al -Quniyyi Hamas, after a campaign of Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, the month of Sayyid Lebanon, news of Dad.
☑️ @Sepah_pasdaran
☑️#فوری🚨|تأیید شهادت یکی از فرماندهان نظامی حماس
🔹شبکه الاقصی به نقل از منابع اختصاصی خود از شهادت محمد شاهین، از فرماندهان گردانهای القسام، شاخه نظامی حماس در اثر حمله تروریستی رژیم اسرائیل در شهر صیدا لبنان خبر داد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
最大网络转移给了专家Khaoud的追随者,穆罕默德·沙希恩(Muhammad Shaheen)的证词,Zermanhan Zermanhan°al -Qassam,Shakhi al -quniyyi hamas,在Toruristi,Raymal,Raymal,dar,dar of dar of dar of dar of dar of dar of dar,sayyid lebannon of dar of dar,sayyid lebanniyi hamas。 。
المال A rede máxima transferida para os seguidores do especialista Khaoud, o testemunho de Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanan النيي AL -Qassam, Shakhi al -Quniyyi Hamas, depois de uma campanha de Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, mês de Sayyid LeBans .
المال la red máxima transferida a los seguidores del especialista Khaoud, el testimonio de Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan النيي Al -qassam, Shakhi al -quniyyi Hamas, después de una campaña de Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, el mes de Sayid Lebanon, News of Dad of Dad de .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
المال Максимальная сеть, передаваемая последователям специалиста Хауда, свидетельства Мухаммеда Шахина, Зерманхана النيي al -Qassam, Шахи аль -Кунийи ХАМАС, после кампании Торуристи, Реймал, Дари, месяц Сайида Либана, новости о папе папы Полем
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
المال अधिकतम नेटवर्क विशेषज्ञ खौद के अनुयायियों, मुहम्मद शाहीन की गवाही, जरमन्हन النييांट अल -कासम, शखी अल -कुनियाई हमास की गवाही, तोरुरिस्टी, रेमल, दर, सईद लेबनान के महीने के अभियान के बाद, द गवाही के अनुयायियों को हस्तांतरित किया गया। ।
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ # immédiat
المال le réseau maximum transféré aux adeptes du spécialiste Khaoud, le témoignage de Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan النيي al -qassam, Shakhi al -quniyyi Hamas, après une campagne de Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, le mois de Sayyid Lebanon, News of Papa, Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, le mois de Sayyid Lebanon, NEWS OF PAD .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️#فوری🚨|تأیید شهادت یکی از فرماندهان نظامی حماس
🔹شبکه الاقصی به نقل از منابع اختصاصی خود از شهادت محمد شاهین، از فرماندهان گردانهای القسام، شاخه نظامی حماس در اثر حمله تروریستی رژیم اسرائیل در شهر صیدا لبنان خبر داد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
المال Das maximale Netzwerk, das an die Anhänger des Spezialisten Khaoud, das Zeugnis von Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan الني al -Qassam, Shakhi al -Quniyyi Hamas, nach einer Kampagne des Toruristen, DAR, dem Monat Sayyid Lebanon, Nachrichten von Dad, übertragen wurde .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
المال la rete massima trasferita ai seguaci dello specialista Khaoud, la testimonianza di Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan الني Al -Qassam, Shakhi al -Quniyyi Hamas, dopo una campagna di Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, il mese di Sayyid Lebanon, notizie di pap .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
المال The maximum network transferred to the followers of the specialist Khaoud, the testimony of Muhammad Shaheen, Zermanhan النيي Al -Qassam, Shakhi al -Quniyyi Hamas, after a campaign of Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, the month of Sayyid Lebanon, news of Dad .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
المال Το μέγιστο δίκτυο μεταφέρθηκε στους οπαδούς του ειδικού Khaoud, τη μαρτυρία του Muhammad Shaheen, του Zermanhan الن¯ all al -qassam, του Shakhi al -quniyyi Hamas, μετά από μια εκστρατεία Toruristi, Raymal, Dar, τον μήνα του Sayyid, News του Dad, .
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/10/2024, 6:46:44 PM
Here is the news of Fares Mojtaba Zarei, the leader of Tehran and a member of the Amnit Milli Mission, with 63 copies of the name Namendegan, the new Darkhouse of the Heroes of Bakhshnama, First Assistant President of the Public, Mohammad Reza Arif, in the field of accounting for foreign affairs, is in the state of Karamandan, in Muttrah Kurd. This is the last news of the news and the news is coming from your home, it is scheduled to be paid for this is an external account that you have paid for with a riyal, with an accounting dollar.
This is what I'm doing right now, I don't want to know what's going on here, this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to have to take this plate now, I'm going to have my country's custodian's right to end it with the accounting riyal. New Bakhshnama, First Assistant to the President of the Public, in accordance with the previous Bakhshnama, the Kurdah is invalid and new conditions for the appointment of a Kurdish External Accountant.
Shayan mentioned that this was the date of the 4th of Azar, the month of Azar, and the largest number of people agreeing with it was 148 opinions. It was placed in a public courtyard of the Wardah Council, and the head of the Khwahid Council of Readings mediated it.
If you want to see this group, wait for the next session, and wait for something to happen in order to verify this topic and cancel it. Take it for a while and register it.
These changes in economic conditions and prohibitions have increased sensitivity to the state of the country, and it is possible to make corrections or new reforms in the country's policy.
To view the names and signatures of the company, visit the link to review the firmware:
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/10/2024, 6:49:42 PM
☑️ Your bank in Tehran has been disabled
Find out more about your bank account
🔹According to the design of the Tehran Standard, with the aim of keeping the air always friendly, there is a bank in Tehran, in addition to Firouzkouh and Damavand, in the gardens of Harshanbeh and on its side, where there is no need to disable it.
🔹 Two things were mentioned, one of which is a stationary checkpoint and a bank kiosk branch. These are names that are around and around the corner. An employee of the official service in a landfill is from 8 to 13 p.m.
🔹If you buy a bank card, you will have to wait for a long time for the road during these days. There are many risks arising from your presence when you are not present, even if you are not able to use the services without your presence and without your bank line, you will not be able to use it.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/10/2024, 7:46:02 PM
☑️ ☑️ Pazshkian: There is even lightning or gas in the Republican leadership and it has been cut off, but generating energy to secure energy is a major problem.
We are not responsible for the poor management of the distribution and banking of Peru.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/10/2024, 8:04:01 PM
☑️ I punished Bashar Assad with his inner hustle. And This is a film of the Israeli P.K.K.'s assault on Imroz, who was defeated by Tahrir al-Sham's elements and Mikhavand, and the execution of Shan Kanand. In the film Alam Mikand P.K.K.
The prisoner of Kenandeh and the prisoner, the execution of Kenandeh and the execution of Shundeh, he asked her, there was a lion in the Syrian city of Ashab and a lion and a lion and a hermit who inscribed Qahraman Dashtand and punished Qahraman Bazishan, what is the matter with this.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/10/2024, 8:22:19 PM
☑️ Widespread images of the moments when a decision was taken away from the next Norwegian country in Syria, in Latakia, in the middle of a Norwegian Zionist country. The Minister of Defense has completely destroyed the city of Syria in Mediterran.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran