☑️Earthquake in Bushehr
🔹 The time of the month of Ramadan, at a depth of 20 kilometers, at 17 hours and 47 minutes in Shanbeh, the month of Ramadan, in the month of Bushehr, Lebanon.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️زلزله در بوشهر
🔹زمینلرزهای به بزرگی ۴/۶ ریشتر در عمق ۲۰ کیلومتری زمین ساعت ۱۷ و ۴۷ دقیقه سهشنبه، شهر ریز در شهرستان جم استان بوشهر را لرزاند.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Terremoto em Bushehr
🔹Um tsunami de 4,6 Richter a uma profundidade de 20 quilômetros, 17 horas e 47 minutos, ocorre no mês de Rize, na província de Bushehr, no sul do Irã.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Terremoto en Bushehr
🔹Un tsunami de 4,6 Richter a una profundidad de 20 kilómetros, 17 horas y 47 minutos, ocurre en el mes de Rize en la provincia de Bushehr, en el sur de Irán.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Землетрясение в Бушере
🔹Цунами магнитудой 4,6 балла по шкале Рихтера на глубине 20 километров, продолжительностью 17 часов 47 минут произошло в месяце Ризе в южной иранской провинции Бушер.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️बुशहर में भूकंप
🔹दक्षिणी ईरानी प्रांत बुशहर में राइज़ के महीने में 20 किलोमीटर, 17 घंटे और 47 मिनट की गहराई पर 4.6 रिक्टर तीव्रता की सुनामी आई।
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Tremblement de terre à Bushehr
🔹Un tsunami mesurant 4,6 Richter à une profondeur de 20 kilomètres, 17 heures et 47 minutes, se produit au mois de Rize dans la province iranienne de Bushehr, dans le sud du pays.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️زلزله در بوشهر
🔹زمینلرزهای به بزرگی ۴/۶ ریشتر در عمق ۲۰ کیلومتری زمین ساعت ۱۷ و ۴۷ دقیقه سهشنبه، شهر ریز در شهرستان جم استان بوشهر را لرزاند.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Erdbeben in Buschehr
🔹Ein Tsunami der Stärke 4,6 Richter in einer Tiefe von 20 Kilometern, 17 Stunden und 47 Minuten ereignet sich im Monat Rize in der südiranischen Provinz Buschehr.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Terremoto a Bushehr
🔹Nel mese di Rize, nella provincia meridionale iraniana di Bushehr, si verifica uno tsunami di magnitudo 4,6 Richter a una profondità di 20 chilometri, in 17 ore e 47 minuti.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Aardbeving in Bushehr
🔹Een tsunami met een kracht van 4,6 op een diepte van 20 kilometer, die 17 uur en 47 minuten duurt, vindt plaats in de maand Rize in de zuidelijke Iraanse provincie Bushehr.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Σεισμός στο Μπουσέρ
🔹Τσουνάμι μεγέθους 4,6 Ρίχτερ σε βάθος 20 χιλιομέτρων, 17 ωρών και 47 λεπτών, εμφανίζεται τον μήνα Ρίζε στη νότια ιρανική επαρχία Μπουσέρ.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/25/2025, 5:53:14 PM
☑️Praise be to God, the Destroyer of tyrants, the Annihilator of the oppressors, the Overseer of the fugitives, the Punisher of the oppressors, the Cryer of those who cry for help
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/26/2025, 6:26:01 PM
☑️ In this program of seclusion, spirituality and avoidance of singing, you need to stabilize yourself.
Imam Khameneh, i.e. (the umbrella of the Most High): “There is something inside me like this [with itikaf] when a woman rose, directing her hand with a weak hand, and a state, and pleading, and entreating, and change of heart, or in the presence of a woman, This is what you need, this is what you install. This means that this is the state of stability of the bed.
For example, there is no pulpit in which there is a place, such as a sound system, the effect of [dard], after that, there is no need to do so, whether it is a demand, whether it is a spiritual condition, whether it is a state, whether it is an avoidance of singing... So, in this program, it's a retreat here. This joke must have been overlooked.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/25/2025, 8:23:18 PM
☑️Netanyahu’s upcoming travel to America
🔹 Sources of news about Zionists, Kurdish media figures, Benjamin Netanyahu, possibly a circumstance that has been overlooked by Donald Trump in Washington, and the travel of Kurdish leaders.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/26/2025, 4:04:23 AM
☑️A short film of the martyr Abu Mahdi in the shrine of Imam Kazemin
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/26/2025, 4:05:23 AM
☑️A long film of the martyr Abu Mahdi in the shrine of Imam Kazemin.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran