

Real time military news

Published date: 2/2/2025, 11:25:42 AM
2/2/2025, 11:25:42 AM
️You are traitors to the security of your home! 🔹 The trailer for the cinematic film “Asfand” with a Danish-e-Aqbashawi title and the late Jalil Shaabani and Mohajer Tawheedparast has been released. 🔹 “Asfand” is an important excerpt from the martyr Ali Hashemi’s martyr, from the battlefield of the sacred defense operations in China, and from the battlefields of the Khaybar operations in the village of Nusrat, with an unseen image. ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
️چندتا خونه امن داری علی! 🔹 تیزر فیلم سینمایی «اسفند» به کارگردانی دانش اقباشاوی و تهیه کنندگی مرحوم جلیل شعبانی و مهاجر توحیدپرست منتشر شد. 🔹 «اسفند»مقطع مهمی از زندگی شهید علی هاشمی از فرماندهان مطرح دوران دفاع مقدس در شناسایی و طرح‌ریزی عملیات خیبر در قرارگاه سری نصرت را به تصویر می‌کشد. ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
你这个叛徒就是我的保镖! 🔹 由 Danish Aghbashavi 和已故 Jalil Shabani 和 Mohajer Tohidparast 主演的电影《Esfand》​​预告片已发布。 🔹《Esfand》​​描绘了烈士阿里·哈希米所著的伊朗神圣防御革命一书中的重要段落,其中讲述了纳斯拉特旅的 Khaybar 行动事件。 ✅️@sepah_pasdaran
Seu traidor é minha segurança! 🔹 O teaser do filme "Esfand", estrelado pelo dinamarquês Aghbashavi e os falecidos Jalil Shabani e Mohajer Tohidparast, foi lançado. 🔹 "Esfand" retrata uma passagem importante do livro da Revolução Sagrada de Defesa do Irã, do Mártir Ali Hashemi, que trata dos eventos da operação Khaybar na Brigada Nasrat. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
¡Traidor, eres mi seguridad! 🔹 Se ha publicado el teaser de la película "Esfand" protagonizada por la danesa Aghbashavi y los fallecidos Jalil Shabani y Mohajer Tohidparast. 🔹 "Esfand" representa un pasaje importante del libro de la Santa Revolución de Defensa de Irán del Mártir Ali Hashemi, que trata de los acontecimientos de la operación Khaybar en la Brigada Nasrat. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Ты предатель — моя безопасность! 🔹 Вышел тизер фильма «Эсфанд» с датчанином Агбашави и покойными Джалилом Шабани и Мохаджером Тохидпарастом в главных ролях. 🔹 «Эсфанд» изображает важный отрывок из книги «Священная оборонительная революция Ирана» мученика Али Хашеми, в которой рассказывается о событиях операции «Хайбар» в бригаде «Насрат». ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
तुम गद्दार मेरी सुरक्षा हो! 🔹 दानिश अघबाशवी और दिवंगत जलील शबानी और मोहजर तोहिदपरस्त अभिनीत फिल्म "एस्फंद" का टीज़र जारी कर दिया गया है। 🔹 "एस्फ़ंद" में शहीद अली हाशमी द्वारा ईरान की पवित्र रक्षा क्रांति की पुस्तक से एक महत्वपूर्ण अंश दर्शाया गया है, जो नसरत ब्रिगेड में ख़ैबर ऑपरेशन की घटनाओं से संबंधित है। ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Toi, traître, tu es ma sécurité ! 🔹 Le teaser du film "Esfand" avec le danois Aghbashavi et les regrettés Jalil Shabani et Mohajer Tohidparast est sorti. 🔹 « Esfand » dépeint un passage important du livre de la Révolution de Défense Sainte de l'Iran du Martyr Ali Hashemi, qui traite des événements de l'opération Khaybar dans la brigade Nasrat. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
️چندتا خونه امن داری علی! 🔹 تیزر فیلم سینمایی «اسفند» به کارگردانی دانش اقباشاوی و تهیه کنندگی مرحوم جلیل شعبانی و مهاجر توحیدپرست منتشر شد. 🔹 «اسفند»مقطع مهمی از زندگی شهید علی هاشمی از فرماندهان مطرح دوران دفاع مقدس در شناسایی و طرح‌ریزی عملیات خیبر در قرارگاه سری نصرت را به تصویر می‌کشد. ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
Du Verräter bist meine Sicherheit! 🔹 Der Teaser zum Film „Esfand“ mit dem Dänen Aghbashavi, dem verstorbenen Jalil Shabani und Mohajer Tohidparast wurde veröffentlicht. 🔹 „Esfand“ stellt eine wichtige Passage aus dem Buch der Heiligen Verteidigungsrevolution des Iran des Märtyrers Ali Hashemi dar, das sich mit den Ereignissen der Khaybar-Operation in der Nasrat-Brigade befasst. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Tu, traditore, sei la mia sicurezza! 🔹 È stato pubblicato il teaser del film "Esfand" con la danese Aghbashavi e i defunti Jalil Shabani e Mohajer Tohidparast. 🔹 "Esfand" riporta un passaggio importante del libro della Santa Rivoluzione di Difesa dell'Iran del martire Ali Hashemi, che tratta degli eventi dell'operazione Khaybar nella Brigata Nasrat. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
裏切り者よ、お前は私の警備員だ! 🔹 デンマークのアグバシャヴィ、故ジャリル・シャバーニ、モハジェル・トヒドパラストが主演する映画「Esfand」のティーザーが公開されました。 🔹「エスファンド」は、殉教者アリー・ハシェミのイラン聖防衛革命の書物からの重要な一節を描いており、ナスラット旅団のハイバル作戦の出来事を扱っています。 ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Jij, verrader, bent mijn veiligheid! 🔹 De teaser van de film "Esfand" met in de hoofdrollen de Deense Aghbashavi en de overleden Jalil Shabani en Mohajer Tohidparast is vrijgegeven. 🔹 "Esfand" geeft een belangrijke passage weer uit het boek van de Heilige Verdedigingsrevolutie van Iran van martelaar Ali Hashemi, dat handelt over de gebeurtenissen van de Khaybar-operatie in de Nasrat Brigade. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Εσύ προδότης είσαι η ασφάλειά μου! 🔹 Κυκλοφόρησε το teaser της ταινίας «Esfand» με πρωταγωνιστές τον Danish Aghbashavi και τους εκλιπόντες Jalil Shabani και Mohajer Tohidparast. 🔹 Το «Esfand» απεικονίζει ένα σημαντικό απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο της Ιεράς Αμυντικής Επανάστασης του Ιράν του μάρτυρα Ali Hashemi, το οποίο πραγματεύεται τα γεγονότα της επιχείρησης Khaybar στην Ταξιαρχία Nasrat. ✅️ @sepah_pasdaran

1/24/2025, 3:33:55 PM
️ More than 200 Palestinian prisoners were exchanged every year. There has been an ongoing exchange of prisoners between Hamas and a Zionist regime, and a decision was made by 4 Israeli regimes to transfer their money and exchange it in exchange for 200 Palestinian prisoners, Azad Shund. Assistance information book for Israel Confirmation of the Kurdish response: But as for what is the name of Palestine’s anti-Israeli resistance, including 4 Nizami, see the decision of Farda Azad Shund, Kurdand media, I am not waiting for the list of Israel. Palestinian history, this is the decision of Farda Azad Shawand. A booklet mentioned as a reference to this list, which is currently in progress with a diagnosed prison sentence, including 120 prisoners with a life imprisonment sentence and 80 prisoners with a long-term sentence. Hamas recently announced to the Kurdish media that there will always be an exchange of secrets on a scheduled date, meaning Rose Shanbeh, January 25, 2025, by Anjam Khwahid. Kurdish media. ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/29/2024, 8:50:52 AM
Image 2024-12-29T08:50:52
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 5:00:50 AM
☑️ He likened it to the fears of the Zionist Edamah Dared; A new, almost sealed piece of Yemeni plastic with a seal that Israel carried. Yemen is the name of Kurdistan... ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 5:11:26 AM
☑️ Its composition is based on the country’s history, the desert city of Sidon in Syria, the news of the desert 🔸It is a recent decision by the Center for Human Rights in London, according to the constitution of General Muhammad Ganjo Hassan, official in charge of the Zindan Sidnaya Desert, a recent report. 🔸 This is an armed general acting as a Syrian commander in the countryside, in Khirbet al-Mu'azza, in the Tartous Istanbul, in northwest Syria. 🔸 Hassan's survival is an important security situation for the Syrian government, and in his country, he is the director of the Nizami Dadisar Administration and the head of the Dashtah District. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 8:05:06 AM
☑️Martyrdom operations carried out by the Israeli regime as seen by Farstad 🔹Al-Qassam, the leader of the Hamas regime, the Kurdish media, the resistance in martyrdom operations, and the presence of 5 people in front of the Kurdish terrorist group, an Israeli terrorist bomber. 🔹There was a huge explosion in Israel, and it was badly damaged and badly damaged. 🔹 The Kurdish media divisions of Neroha resisted so badly that two people were injured in the “Tal al-Zaatar” area, north of Ardogah, Jabalia (north of Gaza), with a straight line of 2 tons per inch. An Israeli language is used in foreign countries and is an Israeli language in the country. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran