️ A poem by Khawani Hamasi, a Palestinian Azadeh, describing the calligraphy of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and Imam Zaman (may God bless him and grant him peace).
Hamdi Muhammad Shehadeh, a Palestinian Azadeh:
🔹 I'm sorry for the tyranny of my foolish people, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
🔹 Oh, the leader of the family of Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), and the companion of the time (may God bless him and grant him peace), the Imam of Imruz, may God bless him and grant him peace.
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
️ قصیدهخوانی حماسی آزاده فلسطینی در وصف خط امام حسین (ع) و امام زمان (عج)
«حمدی محمد شحاده» آزاده فلسطینی:
🔹 تو هرگز بر من تسلط نخواهی یافت، هرگز مرا تسلیم خود نخواهی کرد، روح انقلابی و راه و روش من، حسینی است.
🔹 ای قائم آل محمد (ص)، ای صاحب زمان (عج)، مژده بادت امروز که جریان یاریگر ظهور تو آغاز شده است.
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
Um poema emocional de um irmão palestino descrevendo a linhagem do Imam Hussein (PBUH) e do Imam Zaman (que Allah apresse seu reaparecimento)
"Hamdi Muhammad Shahada" Palestino Azadeh:
🔹 Você é aquele que se rendeu à tirania dos seus inimigos, você é aquele que se rendeu aos seus inimigos, você é um espírito revolucionário e um revolucionário, você é um Husseini.
🔹 Ó Qaim da família de Muhammad (que a paz esteja com ele), ó Mestre da Era (que Deus apresse seu reaparecimento), o líder do mundo cujo surgimento é iminente.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Un poema emotivo de un hermano palestino que describe la línea del Imam Hussein (BP) y el Imam Zaman (que Allah apresure su reaparición)
"Hamdi Muhammad Shahada" Azadeh palestino:
🔹Tú eres el que se ha rendido a la tiranía de tus enemigos, tú eres el que se ha rendido a tus enemigos, eres un espíritu revolucionario y un revolucionario, eres un Husseini.
🔹 Oh Qaim de la familia de Muhammad (BP), Oh Señor de la Era (que Dios apresure su reaparición), el líder del mundo cuyo surgimiento es inminente.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Эмоциональное стихотворение палестинского брата, описывающее линию имама Хусейна (мир ему) и имама Замана (да ускорит Аллах его второе пришествие)
«Хамди Мухаммад Шахада» Палестинец Азаде:
🔹 Ты тот, кто сдался тирании своих врагов, ты тот, кто сдался своим врагам, ты революционный дух и революционер, ты Хусейни.
🔹 О Каим из рода Мухаммада (мир ему и благословение Аллаха), о Властелин Века (да ускорит Аллах его возвращение), лидер мира, чье появление неизбежно.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
एक फ़िलिस्तीनी भाई द्वारा लिखी गई भावनात्मक कविता जिसमें इमाम हुसैन (PBUH) और इमाम ज़मान (अल्लाह उनके पुनः प्रकट होने में शीघ्रता करे) के वंश का वर्णन किया गया है।
"हम्दी मुहम्मद शहादा" फ़िलिस्तीनी आज़ादे:
🔹 आप वह हैं जिसने अपने दुश्मनों के अत्याचार के आगे आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया है, आप वह हैं जिसने अपने दुश्मनों के सामने आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया है, आप एक क्रांतिकारी भावना और क्रांतिकारी हैं, आप एक हुसैनी हैं।
🔹 हे मुहम्मद (PBUH) के परिवार के कायम, हे युग के स्वामी (भगवान उनके पुनः प्रकट होने में तेजी लाये), दुनिया के नेता जिनका उदय निकट है।
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
️ Un poème de Khawani Hamasi, un Azadeh palestinien, décrivant la calligraphie de l'Imam Hussein (que la paix soit sur lui) et de l'Imam Zaman (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix).
Hamdi Muhammad Shehadeh, un Azadeh palestinien :
🔹Je suis désolé pour la tyrannie de mon peuple insensé, je suis désolé pour toi, je suis désolé, je suis désolé, je suis désolé, je suis désolé.
🔹 Oh, le chef de la famille de Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix), et le compagnon de l'époque (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix), l'Imam d'Imruz, que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde paix.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
️ قصیدهخوانی حماسی آزاده فلسطینی در وصف خط امام حسین (ع) و امام زمان (عج)
«حمدی محمد شحاده» آزاده فلسطینی:
🔹 تو هرگز بر من تسلط نخواهی یافت، هرگز مرا تسلیم خود نخواهی کرد، روح انقلابی و راه و روش من، حسینی است.
🔹 ای قائم آل محمد (ص)، ای صاحب زمان (عج)، مژده بادت امروز که جریان یاریگر ظهور تو آغاز شده است.
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
Ein emotionales Gedicht eines palästinensischen Bruders, das die Linie von Imam Hussein (PBUH) und Imam Zaman (möge Allah seine Wiederkehr beschleunigen) beschreibt.
„Hamdi Muhammad Shahada“ Palästinensische Azadeh:
🔹 Sie sind derjenige, der sich der Tyrannei Ihrer Feinde ergeben hat, Sie sind derjenige, der sich Ihren Feinden ergeben hat, Sie sind ein revolutionärer Geist und ein Revolutionär, Sie sind ein Husseini.
🔹 O Qaim aus der Familie Muhammads (PBUH), o Meister des Zeitalters (möge Gott sein Wiedererscheinen beschleunigen), Führer der Welt, dessen Auftauchen unmittelbar bevorsteht.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Una poesia emozionante di un fratello palestinese che descrive la linea dell'Imam Hussein (pace e benedizione su di lui) e dell'Imam Zaman (che Allah acceleri la sua ricomparsa)
"Hamdi Muhammad Shahada" Azadeh palestinese:
🔹 Tu sei quello che si è arreso alla tirannia dei tuoi nemici, sei quello che si è arreso ai tuoi nemici, sei uno spirito rivoluzionario e un rivoluzionario, sei un Husseini.
🔹 O Qaim della famiglia di Muhammad (pace e benedizione su di lui), o Signore dell'Epoca (possa Dio affrettare la sua ricomparsa), leader del mondo la cui venuta è imminente.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Een emotioneel gedicht van een Palestijnse broeder die de lijn van Imam Hussein (PBUH) en Imam Zaman (moge Allah zijn wederverschijning bespoedigen) beschrijft
"Hamdi Muhammad Shahada" Palestijnse Azadeh:
🔹 Jij bent degene die zich heeft overgegeven aan de tirannie van je vijanden, jij bent degene die zich heeft overgegeven aan je vijanden, jij bent een revolutionaire geest en een revolutionair, jij bent een Husseini.
🔹 O Qaim van de familie van Mohammed (vrede zij met hem), o Meester van de Tijd (moge God zijn wederverschijning bespoedigen), de leider van de wereld wiens verschijning op handen is.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
Ένα συναισθηματικό ποίημα από έναν Παλαιστίνιο αδελφό που περιγράφει τη γραμμή του Ιμάμ Χουσεΐν (PBUH) και του Ιμάμ Ζαμάν (είθε ο Αλλάχ να επισπεύσει την επανεμφάνισή του)
"Hamdi Muhammad Shahada" Παλαιστίνιος Azadeh:
🔹 Είσαι αυτός που παραδόθηκε στην τυραννία των εχθρών σου, είσαι αυτός που παραδόθηκε στους εχθρούς σου, είσαι επαναστατικό πνεύμα και επαναστάτης, είσαι Χουσεϊνί.
🔹 Ω Καΐμ της οικογένειας του Μωάμεθ (PBUH), ω Δάσκαλε της Εποχής (ο Θεός να επισπεύσει την επανεμφάνισή του), ο ηγέτης του κόσμου του οποίου η ανάδυση είναι επικείμενη.
✅️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/24/2025, 3:33:55 PM
️ More than 200 Palestinian prisoners were exchanged every year.
There has been an ongoing exchange of prisoners between Hamas and a Zionist regime, and a decision was made by 4 Israeli regimes to transfer their money and exchange it in exchange for 200 Palestinian prisoners, Azad Shund.
Assistance information book for Israel Confirmation of the Kurdish response: But as for what is the name of Palestine’s anti-Israeli resistance, including 4 Nizami, see the decision of Farda Azad Shund, Kurdand media, I am not waiting for the list of Israel. Palestinian history, this is the decision of Farda Azad Shawand.
A booklet mentioned as a reference to this list, which is currently in progress with a diagnosed prison sentence, including 120 prisoners with a life imprisonment sentence and 80 prisoners with a long-term sentence.
Hamas recently announced to the Kurdish media that there will always be an exchange of secrets on a scheduled date, meaning Rose Shanbeh, January 25, 2025, by Anjam Khwahid.
Kurdish media.
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/29/2024, 8:50:52 AM
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 5:00:50 AM
☑️ He likened it to the fears of the Zionist Edamah Dared; A new, almost sealed piece of Yemeni plastic with a seal that Israel carried. Yemen is the name of Kurdistan...
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 5:11:26 AM
☑️ Its composition is based on the country’s history, the desert city of Sidon in Syria, the news of the desert
🔸It is a recent decision by the Center for Human Rights in London, according to the constitution of General Muhammad Ganjo Hassan, official in charge of the Zindan Sidnaya Desert, a recent report.
🔸 This is an armed general acting as a Syrian commander in the countryside, in Khirbet al-Mu'azza, in the Tartous Istanbul, in northwest Syria.
🔸 Hassan's survival is an important security situation for the Syrian government, and in his country, he is the director of the Nizami Dadisar Administration and the head of the Dashtah District.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/27/2024, 8:05:06 AM
☑️Martyrdom operations carried out by the Israeli regime as seen by Farstad
🔹Al-Qassam, the leader of the Hamas regime, the Kurdish media, the resistance in martyrdom operations, and the presence of 5 people in front of the Kurdish terrorist group, an Israeli terrorist bomber.
🔹There was a huge explosion in Israel, and it was badly damaged and badly damaged.
🔹 The Kurdish media divisions of Neroha resisted so badly that two people were injured in the “Tal al-Zaatar” area, north of Ardogah, Jabalia (north of Gaza), with a straight line of 2 tons per inch. An Israeli language is used in foreign countries and is an Israeli language in the country.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran