⭕️ Sources of news about why this device is used as a weapon for the sake of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
What's wrong with you?
⭕️منابع خبری علت این درگیری را جلوگیری از قاچاق سلاح برای حزبالله لبنان بیان می کنند
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
⭕️Fontes de notícias explicam por que esta é uma arma secreta do Hezbollah no Líbano
Cyber Espanha Pasdaran 👇🏻
⭕️Fuentes periodísticas explican por qué se trata de un arma secreta de Hezbolá en el Líbano
Cyber España Pasdaran 👇🏻
⭕️Новостные источники объясняют, почему это секретное оружие Хезболлы в Ливане
Кибер Испания Пасдаран 👇🏻
#हमें प्रोत्साहन दें
⭕️समाचार स्रोत बताते हैं कि लेबनान में हिज़्बुल्लाह के लिए यह एक गुप्त हथियार क्यों है
साइबर स्पेन पासदारन 👇🏻
⭕️ Sources d'informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles cet appareil est utilisé comme arme au profit du Hezbollah au Liban.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
⭕️منابع خبری علت این درگیری را جلوگیری از قاچاق سلاح برای حزبالله لبنان بیان می کنند
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
⭕️Nachrichtenquellen erklären, warum dies eine Geheimwaffe der Hisbollah im Libanon ist
Cyber Spain Pasdaran 👇🏻
⭕️Fonti di notizie spiegano perché questa è un'arma segreta per Hezbollah in Libano
Cyber Spagna Pasdaran 👇🏻
⭕️Nieuwsbronnen leggen uit waarom dit een geheim wapen is voor Hezbollah in Libanon
Cyber Spanje Pasdaran 👇🏻
⭕️Πηγές ειδήσεων εξηγούν γιατί αυτό είναι ένα μυστικό όπλο για τη Χεζμπολάχ στον Λίβανο
CyberSpain Pasdaran 👇🏻
1/5/2025, 2:56:07 PM
🔴News from the Visitor of Iraq: Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, Nakhsat, Minister of Iraq, Rose of Harshanbeh, Tehran, Safar Khwahid Kurd.
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1/5/2025, 3:35:23 PM
🔥 This Hebrew language, when a security incident occurs, has become a threat to the Zionist regime in northern Gaza.
What's wrong with you?
1/5/2025, 3:35:39 PM
🔴Hebrew language: You left the phone with a wounded Nizamiyan holder and scraped it in Maristan or a hill in which it had been broken for a long time.
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1/5/2025, 2:55:48 PM
🔴 Al-Manar Network heard the sound of a severe explosion on the outskirts of Damascus, the latest Syrian news.
What's wrong with you?
1/5/2025, 2:58:21 PM
🔴President of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Iraq: This is the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
What's wrong with you?