🔴Hebrew language: According to the official media, 36 people out of 98 Zionist prisoners are among the chosen ones of Hamas, of course.
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🔴رسانههای عبری: طبق اعلام رسمی ۳۶ نفر از ۹۸ اسیر صهیونیستی که همچنان در اختیار حماس هستند، قطعا زنده نیستند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴 Letras hebraicas: De acordo com relatórios oficiais, 36 dos 98 prisioneiros sionistas escolhidos pelo Hamas definitivamente não são confiáveis.
Cyber Spa Séptico 👇🏻
🔴 Letras hebreas: Según informes oficiales, 36 de los 98 prisioneros sionistas que fueron elegidos por Hamás definitivamente no son confiables.
Spa Ciber Séptico 👇🏻
🔴 Буквы иврита: Согласно официальным сообщениям, 36 из 98 сионистских заключенных, выбранных ХАМАСом, определенно не заслуживают доверия.
Кибер-септик-спа 👇🏻
🔴हिब्रू भाषा: आधिकारिक मीडिया के अनुसार, 98 ज़ायोनी कैदियों में से 36 लोग निश्चित रूप से हमास के चुने हुए लोगों में से हैं।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴 Lettres hébraïques : Selon les rapports officiels, 36 des 98 prisonniers sionistes choisis par le Hamas ne sont définitivement pas fiables.
Cyber Spa Septique 👇🏻
🔴رسانههای عبری: طبق اعلام رسمی ۳۶ نفر از ۹۸ اسیر صهیونیستی که همچنان در اختیار حماس هستند، قطعا زنده نیستند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴 Hebräische Buchstaben: Offiziellen Berichten zufolge sind 36 der 98 von der Hamas ausgewählten zionistischen Gefangenen definitiv nicht zuverlässig.
Cyber-Septic-Spa 👇🏻
🔴 Lettere ebraiche: Secondo i rapporti ufficiali, 36 dei 98 prigionieri sionisti scelti da Hamas non sono assolutamente affidabili.
Cyber Spa Septica 👇🏻
🔴 Hebreeuwse letters: Volgens officiële rapporten zijn 36 van de 98 zionistische gevangenen die door Hamas zijn gekozen, absoluut niet betrouwbaar.
Cyber Septic Spa 👇🏻
🔴 Εβραϊκά γράμματα: Σύμφωνα με επίσημες αναφορές, 36 από τους 98 Σιωνιστές αιχμαλώτους που επέλεξε η Χαμάς σίγουρα δεν είναι αξιόπιστοι.
Cyber Septic Spa 👇🏻
12/23/2024, 9:21:43 AM
🔴More details of information about the Arch of Israel in Gaza
▪ Channel 12 TV: What are the limits of the Zionist regime? Ask me what is the terrorist regime. What is the operational regime for you to become an Israeli prisoner? Zand, but at the end of these operations, I have information about the entire period of time, where there is a complete suspicion of suspicion, and at the end of the evidence of my information, there is an Israeli prisoner who has been exposed.
What's wrong with you?
12/23/2024, 9:47:43 AM
🚫 Sad news: This is the foundation on which the entire satrapy end will be filled with a vacuum under a straight line, close to the end of the earth.
In fact, I am fully responsible for guarding, guarding, and guarding the Arch of Khwahid Bud.
Of course, this is an official development. This is the source of this news. This is a bad news.
Use your phone number to remove the security code, so you can take care of it more quickly in the eastern part of Iran.
The state of the heart is disturbed and the blood is clogged. East of Shabana Rozi in the case of Anjam Ast
It is necessary to remove the blockage of the air and remove the dirt from the ground at the zero point of Iran and Afghanistan.
What's wrong with you?
12/23/2024, 9:37:43 AM
✍️ I set this new language to the bottom of my family.
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12/23/2024, 9:38:09 AM
🔻One-way explosion of the system's logistics system in the south
▪There is a huge explosive explosion in this area, one of the regular logistics in Kimhae, south of the country.
▪ An explosion occurred while the vehicle was closed. It was damaged by hazardous materials.
What's wrong with you?
12/23/2024, 9:53:41 AM
✅ Israel 13 Network:
📍By Sarsakht, you are in the country and you are in the country of Iran....
What's wrong with you?