

Real time military news

Published date: 1/9/2025, 10:20:03 AM
1/9/2025, 10:20:03 AM
☑️Testimony as a Marzban in Mirjava 🔹Marzbani Information Center in Sistan and Baluchestan: Sargard Qaim Malashahi’s agent, Marzbani’s supervisor in a courtyard with an armed man carrying narcotic drugs in Marza Zahedan’s possession. Rasid certificate. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️شهادت یک مرزبان در میرجاوه 🔹مرکز اطلاع‌رسانی مرزبانی سیستان‌وبلوچستان: سرگرد قائم وکیلی ملاشاهی، مامور مرزبانی استان در درگیری با قاچاقچیان مسلح موادمخدر در حوزۀ استحفاظی هنگ مرزی زاهدان به شهادت رسید. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️米尔贾维的 Marzban 证词 🔹锡斯坦-俾路支斯坦马尔兹巴尼信息中心:负责武装部队的马尔兹巴尼官员 Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi 作证说,麻醉物质由马尔兹巴尼扎黑丹保管。 ☑️@sepah_pasdaran
☑️Testemunho de um Marzban em Mirjaveh 🔹Centro de Informações Marzbani do Sistan e Baluchistão: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, oficial Marzbani responsável pelas forças armadas, testemunhou que substâncias narcóticas estão sob custódia do Marzbani Zahedan. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Testimonio de un Marzban en Mirjaveh 🔹Centro de información de Marzbani de Sistán y Baluchistán: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, el funcionario de Marzbani a cargo de las fuerzas armadas, ha testificado que las sustancias narcóticas están bajo la custodia de Marzbani Zahedan. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Свидетельство марзбана в Мирджаве 🔹Информационный центр марзбани Систана и Белуджистана: Саргерд Гаем Вакили Моллашахи, чиновник марзбани, отвечающий за вооруженные силы, дал показания о том, что наркотические вещества находятся в распоряжении марзбани Захедан. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️मिर्जावेह में एक मरज़बान की गवाही 🔹सिस्तान और बलूचिस्तान मरज़बानी सूचना केंद्र: सशस्त्र बलों के प्रभारी मरज़बानी अधिकारी सरगेर्ड ग़ैम वकीली मोल्लाशाही ने गवाही दी है कि मादक पदार्थ मरज़बानी ज़ाहेदान की हिरासत में हैं। ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Témoignage d'un Marzban à Mirjaveh 🔹Centre d'information Marzbani du Sistan-et-Baloutchistan : Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, le responsable Marzbani en charge des forces armées, a témoigné que des substances narcotiques sont sous la garde du Marzbani Zahedan. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️شهادت یک مرزبان در میرجاوه 🔹مرکز اطلاع‌رسانی مرزبانی سیستان‌وبلوچستان: سرگرد قائم وکیلی ملاشاهی، مامور مرزبانی استان در درگیری با قاچاقچیان مسلح موادمخدر در حوزۀ استحفاظی هنگ مرزی زاهدان به شهادت رسید. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Aussage eines Marzban in Mirjaveh 🔹Marzbani-Informationszentrum Sistan und Belutschistan: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, der für die Streitkräfte verantwortliche Marzbani-Beamte, hat ausgesagt, dass sich im Gewahrsam des Marzbani Zahedan Betäubungsmittel befinden. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Testimonianza di un Marzban a Mirjaveh 🔹Centro informazioni del Sistan e del Baluchistan Marzbani: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, funzionario del Marzbani responsabile delle forze armate, ha testimoniato che sostanze stupefacenti sono in custodia del Marzbani Zahedan. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ミルジャヴェのマルズバンの証言 🔹スィースターン・バルーチェスターン州マルズバニ情報センター:軍を統括するマルズバニ当局者のサーゲルド・ガエム・ヴァキリ・モラシャヒ氏は、麻薬物質がマルズバニ・ザヘダーンによって保管されていると証言した。 ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Getuigenis van een Marzban in Mirjaveh 🔹Sistan en Baluchestan Marzbani Informatie Centrum: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, de Marzbani-functionaris die verantwoordelijk is voor de strijdkrachten, heeft getuigd dat de Marzbani Zahedan verdovende middelen in bewaring heeft. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Μαρτυρία ενός Marzban στο Mirjaveh 🔹Κέντρο Πληροφοριών Marzbani Sistan and Baluchestan: Sargerd Ghaem Vakili Mollashahi, ο αξιωματούχος Marzbani που είναι υπεύθυνος για τις ένοπλες δυνάμεις, κατέθεσε ότι ναρκωτικές ουσίες βρίσκονται υπό κράτηση του Marzbani Zahedan. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran

12/25/2024, 7:33:15 AM
☑️A tragedy occurred in the history of the Shiites of Syria Idghami is a fount, bemariha and agirdar, garsangi and sarmai shadid 🔹Syrian Shiites, this is your chance in the form of a possible explanation for the threat of change. #Shabab_specialist 🔸 During the recent changes in Syria, the borders of a group of Shiites and Shiites, there is a neighboring country in which there is a Turk, a betrayal, a treasury, and its houses and public places, the most famous place of which is the shores of Lebanon, which is very inhabited. 🔸Most of these individuals betrayed their country as martyrs, on the side of Bazan and the defenders of the resistance front, and for a long time, there was no need for a fire, and this is the face of the possibility of being in Syria again. 🔸It's time for me to come to Lebanon with the language and religious traditions of the Shiites in Lebanon. There was severe rot, blood and sneezes, evidence of a large gathering and the presence of a sad man in a limited place. 🔸He betrayed his Shiites and religious people with the mind of a lost place and possibilities, Zen and non-Muharram with him, with a mixed picture in them, they are present in Darand, Zandghi, and there is a subject in the streets of Narahet and the moderator of this. 🔸A ridiculous and repetitive echo in a Syrian Shiite dialect. He watched the people who were sick and tired of hearing from him and went to Dr. Nadarand. 🔸 One of the most common medical conditions is that it is a severe ulceration and has a tendency to irritate the skin. There is an inscription on your mother's car on your doorstep. 🔸 It is very common in the countryside of Syria and the evidence is that the lack of a bathroom, a lack of generosity, supplies, and household supplies. 🔸Food products that are sufficient and rarely available, they are studied for the distribution of food available to individuals in the area they want. 🔸 This is a joke: The first Syrian Shiite coffee was the border of a group of Hazards who would stand up and remove the problems of the subject of Sakht and the Prophet and the people of this resistance front. What is the reason for this, just as there is a problem with it, and there is another reason why it is necessary to change it. 🔸 Always waiting for it to come to the Islamic Republic of Iran with the address of Umm al-Qara, a resistance front in the countryside, and waiting for it to be the front of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the rest of the resistance movements in Darand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/25/2024, 7:47:10 AM
☑️The fall of Azerbaijan Airlines in Kazakhstan/Darkhawast is an emergency accident. 🔸The reason for the fall of the computer was the speed of the vehicle's motor. 🔸 First dish, 6 people, two travelers, during the Jan Salem accident in Bardha. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/25/2024, 7:49:57 AM
☑️ The Dalwaran campaign left me with a regular target in Tel Aviv. 🔻 A fast life with a strong voice, armed with: In the success of the operations, there is a regular goal in the mediation of Palestine 2, which is the goal of a lasting decision.  ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/25/2024, 8:23:44 AM
☑️#instantly🚨| These are the security issues in Yemen, such as the hermaphrodite, the operations of Asia and the Mossad, this is the latest news. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/25/2024, 8:44:02 AM
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☑️ As long as the Minister of Economy has blown his feathers, this is his fault. 💵 Delete this language as much as you like, you are definitely against the rules. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran