🔴 This Iraqi army: The army of Iraq is an important betrayal of this group, this terrorist organization of ISIS is in its country, this is Hamrin, in Bakhsh, the Kirkuk operations are the goal of a decision that will lead to this destruction. TN AZ TOURIST HA SHD.
What's wrong with you?
🔴رسانه های عراقی: جنگنده های ارتش عراق مهمان خانه های گروه های تروریستی داعش را در بلندی تپه های حمرین در بخش فرماندهی عملیات کرکوک هدف قرار داده است كه منجر به هلاكت ده ها تن از تروريست ها شد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴这支伊拉克军队:伊拉克军队是这个组织的重要背叛者,伊斯兰国这个恐怖组织就在它的国家,这是哈姆林,在巴赫什,基尔库克行动是导致这种破坏的决定的目标。田纳西州亚利桑那州游客 HA SHD。
🔴 Este exército iraquiano: O exército do Iraque é uma importante traição a este grupo, esta organização terrorista do ISIS está no seu país, este é Hamrin, em Bakhsh, as operações de Kirkuk são o objetivo de uma decisão que levará a esta destruição. TN AZ TURISTA HA SHD.
O que você tem?
🔴 Este ejército iraquí: El ejército de Irak es una traición importante a este grupo, esta organización terrorista de ISIS está en su país, este es Hamrin, en Bakhsh, las operaciones de Kirkuk son el objetivo de una decisión que conducirá a esta destrucción. TN AZ TURISTA HA SHD.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Эта иракская армия: Армия Ирака является важным предательством этой группы, эта террористическая организация ИГИЛ находится в своей стране, это Хамрин, в Бахше, операция в Киркуке является целью решения, которое приведет к этому разрушению. ТН АЗ ТУРИСТ ХА СХД.
Что с тобой не так?
🔴 यह इराकी सेना: इराक की सेना इस समूह का एक महत्वपूर्ण विश्वासघात है, आईएसआईएस का यह आतंकवादी संगठन इसके देश में है, यह हमरीन है, बख्श में, किरकुक ऑपरेशन एक निर्णय का लक्ष्य है जो इस विनाश का कारण बनेगा। टीएन एज़ टूरिस्ट हा एसएचडी।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴 Cette armée irakienne : L'armée irakienne est une trahison importante de ce groupe, cette organisation terroriste de l'ISIS est dans son pays, voici Hamrin, à Bakhsh, les opérations de Kirkouk sont l'objectif d'une décision qui conduira à cette destruction. TN AZ TOURISTE HA SHD.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴رسانه های عراقی: جنگنده های ارتش عراق مهمان خانه های گروه های تروریستی داعش را در بلندی تپه های حمرین در بخش فرماندهی عملیات کرکوک هدف قرار داده است كه منجر به هلاكت ده ها تن از تروريست ها شد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴 Diese irakische Armee: Die irakische Armee ist ein wichtiger Verrat an dieser Gruppe, diese Terrororganisation des IS ist in ihrem Land, das ist Hamrin, in Bakhsh, die Kirkuk-Operationen sind das Ziel einer Entscheidung, die zu dieser Zerstörung führen wird. TN AZ TOURIST HA SHD.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴 Questo esercito iracheno: L'esercito iracheno è un importante tradimento di questo gruppo, questa organizzazione terroristica dell'ISIS è nel suo paese, questo è Hamrin, a Bakhsh, le operazioni a Kirkuk sono l'obiettivo di una decisione che porterà a questa distruzione. TN AZ TURISTA HA SHD.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴 このイラク軍:イラク軍はこのグループに対する重大な裏切りであり、ISISのテロ組織は自国にいます、これはバクシュのハムリンです、キルクーク作戦はこの破壊につながる決定の目標です。 TN AZ 観光客 HA SHD.
🔴 Dit Iraakse leger: het leger van Irak is een belangrijk verraad van deze groep, deze terroristische organisatie van ISIS is in zijn land, dit is Hamrin, in Bakhsh zijn de Kirkuk-operaties het doel van een besluit dat tot deze vernietiging zal leiden. TN AZ TOERIST HA SHD.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴 Αυτός ο ιρακινός στρατός: Ο στρατός του Ιράκ είναι μια σημαντική προδοσία αυτής της ομάδας, αυτή η τρομοκρατική οργάνωση του ISIS βρίσκεται στη χώρα της, αυτό είναι το Hamrin, στο Bakhsh, οι επιχειρήσεις του Κιρκούκ είναι ο στόχος μιας απόφασης που θα οδηγήσει σε αυτήν την καταστροφή. TN AZ TOURIST HA SHD.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
1/3/2025, 3:37:01 PM
🔴 Zionist regime's army: 454 Rose, Hamas Emroz Tunist 3 I saw what happened to Israel and what is the evidence for the continuation of its operations in Gaza.
What's wrong with you?
1/3/2025, 3:40:06 PM
🔴 Al-Qassam Defense Forces: 4 Israeli tanks were stationed near Jabalia, north of Gaza, with a number of powerful, highly explosive bombs that collapsed as a result.
What's wrong with you?
1/3/2025, 5:38:58 PM
Is this information about millions of bank buyers?
🔺With the foundation of a new army, your state official has managed to control the central bank, and two cyber attackers have access to information that is forbidden from the country’s internal and external banks..
🔺 However, there is evidence of a weakness in the actual technical data of the cyber bank security mentioned above, that you have successfully managed to manage the campaign of the attacker who requested it.
🔺 Nihad is responsible in this situation if the 9th rose of Mediran Arshad has vanished - so Azarmah asked before the constitution of the state before the adjective of Shadand - in the opinion of Sarposh that this news has the influence of the security consequences of the woman who has lost her life and is exterminated by it. This is the issue of central bank intermediation.
🔺 What is the matter with Nihad Arshad about your cyber security if you put it in your cyber possession and the network security of your bank? This is a topic in your country. If the bank is at a slower end, there will be no central bank connection, so this is where I put my finger on the back of my thumb./Dana
What's wrong with you?
1/3/2025, 4:59:12 PM
A symbolized inscription linked to Syria in Sarangoni, the Syrian government.
🔹 The head of the security forces stationed in America, the "Syrian emergency group" collapsed after an attack by elements of a semi-regime group in Damascus and Sri Lanka. The state of "Bashar Assad" entered the emergency vehicle account in AX. (Previous Twitter) Nausht: “Soriya Azad Shadd.”
🔹 This is a phrase that is filled with a melody that is darkened by a melody and a metaphor for a speech that contains a lyrical account. This song has been added to the meaning of the rule, and there are deep connections with it. The authority of ISIS and the information provided by ISIS in the West, “Accurately, I would like to know more about this information.”
🔹Is this a text or an inscription in the state of Bashar Assad in Kurdistan?
What's wrong with you?
1/3/2025, 5:13:53 PM
Iranian Ambassador: You are an Iranian politician without a visit to Faroudgah, Beirut is outside the country
Amani: Two Lebanese officials decided to inform Iran about this matter.
What's wrong with you?