🔴The People's Mobilization Forces have access to a hidden channel connected to the ISIS terrorist group in Anbar, an exploded and collapsed Iraq.
What's wrong with you?
🔴نیروهای حشد الشعبی توانستند دو تونل مخفی متعلق به گروهک تروريستی داعش را در استان الانبار عراق منفجر و منهدم كنند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴As Forças de Mobilização Popular têm acesso a um canal oculto conectado ao grupo terrorista ISIS em Anbar, um Iraque que explodiu e entrou em colapso.
O que você tem?
🔴Las Fuerzas de Movilización Popular tienen acceso a un canal oculto conectado con el grupo terrorista ISIS en Anbar, un Irak explotado y colapsado.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Силы народной мобилизации готовят два скрытых туннеля, связанных с террористической группировкой ИГИЛ в Анбаре, Ирак, которые будут взорваны и уничтожены.
Кибер Испания Пасдаран 👇🏻
🔴पीपुल्स मोबिलाइजेशन फोर्सेज के पास विस्फोटित और ढह चुके इराक के अनबर में आईएसआईएस आतंकवादी समूह से जुड़े एक छिपे हुए चैनल तक पहुंच है।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴Les Forces de mobilisation populaire ont accès à un canal caché connecté au groupe terroriste ISIS dans l'Anbar, un Irak explosé et effondré.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴نیروهای حشد الشعبی توانستند دو تونل مخفی متعلق به گروهک تروريستی داعش را در استان الانبار عراق منفجر و منهدم كنند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Die Volksmobilisierungskräfte haben Zugang zu einem versteckten Kanal, der mit der Terrorgruppe ISIS in Anbar, einem explodierten und zusammengebrochenen Irak, in Verbindung steht.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴Le Forze di Mobilitazione Popolare hanno accesso ad un canale nascosto collegato al gruppo terroristico Isis ad Anbar, un Iraq esploso e al collasso.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴De People's Mobilization Forces hebben toegang tot een verborgen kanaal dat verbonden is met de ISIS-terroristische groepering in Anbar, een geëxplodeerd en ingestort Irak.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴Οι Δυνάμεις Λαϊκής Κινητοποίησης έχουν πρόσβαση σε ένα κρυφό κανάλι που συνδέεται με την τρομοκρατική ομάδα ISIS στο Ανμπάρ, ένα Ιράκ που έχει εκραγεί και έχει καταρρεύσει.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/30/2024, 1:09:56 PM
You are a Zionist who has been accused of being a spy against Iran
Bliss and Suzman are an internal Zionist regime in the statement of a joint plaintiff named “Alexander Granovsky” who lives in the month of “Petach Tekoa” and is accused of being a spy. Iran Dastgir Kordhand.
In this statement, I claim that this is the month of Zionism that the “Bani Gantz” betrayed the Minister of Jung, who preceded the Kurdish regime’s depiction of the Kurdish people. We have created a logo for the next day.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 2:55:59 PM
🔴A Zionist regime has been informed about new goals, including the need for resistance against the spread of the Kurds.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 2:56:25 PM
🔴Deputy Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Committee in Lebanon, who has invaded the country in southern Lebanon, and how much news there is in it.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 3:22:16 PM
🔥 A Palestinian revolution on the morning of Imruz Taqnon, the successful completion of operations in the Gaza Strip, 2 Zionist regimes that have lost their support and 4 other regimes that have lost momentum.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 3:25:23 PM
🔴 Al-Qassam Gardens: The Zionist regime is in ruins, with Yassin 105, near Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza.
What's wrong with you?