🔴 This is a Hebrew language, if a security incident occurs, the Zionist regime will be subjected to the latest news in Gaza.
What's wrong with you?
🔴رسانه های عبری از وقوع يک حادثه امنيتی سخت برای نيروهای ارتش رژيم صهيونيستی در نوار غزه خبر دادند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴 Esta é uma língua hebraica, se ocorrer um incidente de segurança, o regime sionista estará sujeito às últimas notícias em Gaza.
O que você tem?
🔴 Este es un idioma hebreo, si ocurre un incidente de seguridad, el régimen sionista estará sujeto a las últimas noticias en Gaza.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Это язык иврит, если произойдет инцидент безопасности, сионистский режим будет подвергнут последним новостям в секторе Газа.
Что с тобой не так?
🔴 यह एक हिब्रू भाषा है, यदि कोई सुरक्षा घटना घटती है, तो ज़ायोनी शासन को गाजा में नवीनतम समाचारों के अधीन किया जाएगा।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴 C'est une langue hébraïque, si un incident de sécurité survient, le régime sioniste sera soumis aux dernières nouvelles à Gaza.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴رسانه های عبری از وقوع يک حادثه امنيتی سخت برای نيروهای ارتش رژيم صهيونيستی در نوار غزه خبر دادند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴 Dies ist eine hebräische Sprache. Sollte es zu einem Sicherheitsvorfall kommen, wird das zionistische Regime über die neuesten Nachrichten in Gaza informiert.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴 Questa è una lingua ebraica, se si verifica un incidente di sicurezza, il regime sionista sarà soggetto alle ultime notizie a Gaza.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴 Dit is een Hebreeuwse taal, als er zich een veiligheidsincident voordoet, zal het zionistische regime worden onderworpen aan het laatste nieuws in Gaza.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴 Αυτή είναι μια εβραϊκή γλώσσα, εάν συμβεί περιστατικό ασφαλείας, το Σιωνιστικό καθεστώς θα υποβληθεί στα τελευταία νέα στη Γάζα.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
1/1/2025, 2:49:28 PM
🔴Emroz Harshanbeh visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia following the execution of 6 Iranians on charges of narcotic substance abuse.
What's wrong with you?
1/1/2025, 4:02:17 PM
Minister of Farhang: Sardar Soleimani is the narrator of ISIS.
What's wrong with you?
1/1/2025, 4:07:52 PM
What's the matter with you?
Why did you lose your mind?
What's wrong with you?
1/1/2025, 4:08:42 PM
Maario: Rahbardi's goals in Israel in Gaza were achieved.
🔹A Hebrew calendar with the meanings of the submission of a Kurd, despite the fact that 453 roses were lost in Gaza, and this is the same as the goals of the monk of Israel, the fulfillment of his desire.
What's wrong with you?
1/1/2025, 4:18:16 PM
Maario: Rahbardi's goals in Israel in Gaza were achieved.
🔹A Hebrew calendar with the meanings of the submission of a Kurd, despite the fact that 453 roses were lost in Gaza, and this is the same as the goals of the monk of Israel, the fulfillment of his desire.
What's wrong with you?