☑️He is the head of the judicial force in Bakhshnameh, which has one college, and one of them is the judiciary and the secretaries of the constitution of a Christian convict who has legal conditions licensed to him in Zandan. It is not permissible to do so, except for those who have been sentenced to retaliation, execution, spy action, or a crime committed against him.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️رئیس قوه قضاییه در بخشنامهای به کلیه واحدهای قضایی و دادسراهای سراسر کشور دستور داد به محکومانِ مسیحیِ واجد شرایط قانونیِ مرخصی که در زندان به سر میبرند و یا در حال مرخصی هستند، به غیر از محکومین به قصاص، اعدام، جاسوسی و اقدام علیه امنیت کشور، به مدت پنج روز مرخصی اعطا شود.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ele é o chefe da força judicial em Bakhshnameh, que tem um colégio, e um deles é o judiciário e os secretários da constituição de um condenado cristão que tem condições legais licenciadas para ele em Zandan. Não é permitido fazê-lo, exceto para aqueles que foram condenados a retaliação, execução, espionagem ou crime cometido contra ele.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Es el jefe de la fuerza judicial en Bakhshnameh, que tiene una universidad, y uno de ellos es el poder judicial y los secretarios de constitución de un preso cristiano que tiene condiciones legales autorizadas para él en Zandan. No está permitido hacerlo, excepto a quienes hayan sido condenados a represalia, ejecución, espionaje o delito cometido en su contra.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Он является главой судебной власти в Бахшнаме, где есть одна коллегия, и одна из них является судебной властью и секретарями конституции христианского осужденного, которому в Зандане разрешены юридические условия. Не разрешается это делать, кроме тех, кто был приговорен к мести, казни, шпионажу или преступлению, совершенному против него.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️वह बख्श्नामे में न्यायिक बल का प्रमुख है, जिसका एक कॉलेज है, और उनमें से एक ईसाई अपराधी की न्यायपालिका और संविधान के सचिव हैं, जिनके पास ज़ंदन में कानूनी शर्तों का लाइसेंस है। ऐसा करना जायज़ नहीं है, सिवाय उन लोगों के जिन्हें प्रतिशोध, फांसी, जासूसी या उसके खिलाफ किए गए अपराध के लिए सजा सुनाई गई हो।
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Il est le chef du corps judiciaire à Bakhshnameh, qui a un collège, et l'un d'eux est le pouvoir judiciaire et les secrétaires de la constitution d'un condamné chrétien qui a des conditions légales qui lui sont autorisées à Zandan. Cela n'est pas permis, sauf pour ceux qui ont été condamnés à des représailles, à l'exécution, à l'espionnage ou à un crime commis contre eux.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️رئیس قوه قضاییه در بخشنامهای به کلیه واحدهای قضایی و دادسراهای سراسر کشور دستور داد به محکومانِ مسیحیِ واجد شرایط قانونیِ مرخصی که در زندان به سر میبرند و یا در حال مرخصی هستند، به غیر از محکومین به قصاص، اعدام، جاسوسی و اقدام علیه امنیت کشور، به مدت پنج روز مرخصی اعطا شود.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Er ist der Leiter der Justiz in Bakhshnameh, die über ein College verfügt, und eines davon ist das Justizwesen und der Verfassungssekretär eines christlichen Sträflings, der in Zandan über eine Lizenz für die Rechtsstaatlichkeit verfügt. Dies ist nicht zulässig, außer für diejenigen, die wegen Vergeltung, Hinrichtung, Spionage oder eines gegen ihn begangenen Verbrechens verurteilt wurden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Il capo della forza giudiziaria nel libretto di tutte le autorità giudiziarie e giudiziali è la Corte Costituzionale che autorizza l'esecuzione di condannati cristiani in determinate condizioni legali, sia in nome del Profeta sia nel caso di un condannato, ad eccezione di quelli condannato a rappresaglia, esecuzione, spionaggio e commissione di un crimine. Kshor, per un periodo di tempo, ha ricevuto la rosa autorizzata.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Hij is het hoofd van de rechterlijke macht in Bakhshnameh, die één college heeft, en een daarvan is de rechterlijke macht en de secretarissen van de grondwet van een christelijke veroordeelde die over wettelijke voorwaarden beschikt in Zandan. Dit is niet toegestaan, behalve voor degenen die veroordeeld zijn tot vergelding, executie, spionage of een misdaad die tegen hem is gepleegd.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Είναι ο επικεφαλής της δικαστικής δύναμης στο Bakhshnameh, το οποίο έχει ένα κολέγιο, και ένα από αυτά είναι το δικαστικό σώμα και οι γραμματείς του συντάγματος ενός χριστιανού κατάδικου που έχει νόμιμες προϋποθέσεις για αυτόν στο Zandan. Δεν επιτρέπεται κάτι τέτοιο, εκτός από όσους έχουν καταδικαστεί σε αντίποινα, εκτελέσεις, κατασκοπεία ή σε έγκλημα που διαπράχθηκε εναντίον του.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
11/20/2024, 11:12:05 AM
☑️ Imam Khameneh (Madzalah Al-A’ali) at the University of Medran, professors and students of Al-Zahra University, confirmed by Kurdand: It is necessary to shift to an academic seminary in order to address new issues at the University of Medran Professors and students of Al-Zahra University, Imroz Chaharshanbeh appeared before Imam Khamenei. The most important coup in Islam, Deidar Kardand.
Imam Khameneh, there is a need to transform into a seminary, and there is a need for this to be done in order to address new comprehensive issues, confirm the matter.
Explained, successive, widespread news. 1403/8/30 ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
11/20/2024, 11:12:32 AM
☑️ This Syrian message, such as the campaigns of the soldiers, this Zionist diet, in the month of Palmyra, Syria, is the latest news.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
11/20/2024, 11:32:23 AM
☑️ I was alone in my house with a funny head, the head of the Shura Council, the official information of the state of Darmurd, the effect of a duplication on the commands of a duplication: I can’t say the letter “Ishan” in my head if I have a foreign language.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
11/20/2024, 11:46:35 AM
☑️ Officials are required to control the state. 🔹 In the latest analysis, see the demonstrations of the status of the state’s positions, economic and social issues. There is a great wave of criticism of the state Keep it in the presence of officials because there is nothing wrong with it. Daulat Bar Zaban officials are present.
🔹Here is a narration about the end of this situation in the past, where there is a problem, in the case of showing one's point of view and the concern of a social and spiritual dispute in order to find a Kurdish woman.
🔹 This is the matter in the beginning of the state, causing a sharp attack on him to change the intensity and definitely with two car strikes on his social body. You are trying to protect yourself from important positions and officials who are strictly controlling your system and preventing you from expressing your opinion other than that. Karshnasi and Avrinitis are mediated by Shud officials.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
11/20/2024, 11:50:16 AM
☑️🔥🔥 A security incident occurred before Israeli occupation forces in southern Lebanon
🔹The sources of the Hebrew language were damaged due to the occurrence of a security incident. Israeli occupation forces in southern Lebanon became subject to news.
🔹These are the sources of confirmation of this identity in this census incident, which was greatly affected by the Israeli regime and its momentum.
Indeed, the details of this are a widespread incident.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran