

Real time military news

Published date: 12/20/2024, 8:29:53 AM
12/20/2024, 8:29:53 AM
🔴The most famous Israeli mosque in your country, choose this one. ▪ An Israeli garden near Yorsh in a place east of the “Marda” area in the north of Karana. Choose the “Bar al-Walidin” Mosque next to it. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴شهرک‌نشینان اسرائیلی یک مسجد را در کرانه‌باختری به آتش‌ کشیدند ▪گروهی از شهرک‌نشینان اسرائیلی با یورش به محله شرقی منطقه «مردا» در شمال کرانه‌باختری مسجد «بر الوالدین» را به آتش کشیده‌اند. سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴你们国家最著名的以色列清真寺,就选这个吧。 ▪ 约什附近的一个以色列花园,位于卡拉纳北部“Marda”地区以东的地方,选择旁边的“Bar al-Walidin”清真寺。 你这人怎么回事? ☑️@SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Mês de novembro israelense, uma mesquita foi destruída em Bakhtiari ▪ Um grupo de soldados israelenses é visto na parte oriental da região de Marda, ao norte da província de Bakhtari, no local da Mesquita Bar al-Walidain. Cyber ​​​​​​Espanha Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴La mezquita israelí más famosa de tu país, elige esta. ▪ Un jardín israelí cerca de Yorsh en un lugar al este del área de “Marda” en el norte de Karana. Elija la mezquita “Bar al-Walidin” al lado. ¿Qué sucede contigo? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Самая известная израильская мечеть в вашей стране. Выбирайте ее. ▪ Израильский сад возле Йорша в месте к востоку от района «Марда» на севере Караны. Выберите мечеть «Бар аль-Валидин» рядом с ним. Что с тобой не так? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴अपने देश की सबसे प्रसिद्ध इजरायली मस्जिद, इसे चुनें। ▪ कैराना के उत्तर में "मर्दा" क्षेत्र के पूर्व में योर्श के पास एक इज़राइली उद्यान, इसके बगल में "बार अल-वालिदिन" मस्जिद चुनें। तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴La mosquée israélienne la plus célèbre de votre pays, choisissez celle-ci. ▪ Un jardin israélien près de Yorsh dans un endroit à l'est de la zone « Marda » au nord de Karana Choisissez la mosquée « Bar al-Walidin » à côté. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴شهرک‌نشینان اسرائیلی یک مسجد را در کرانه‌باختری به آتش‌ کشیدند ▪گروهی از شهرک‌نشینان اسرائیلی با یورش به محله شرقی منطقه «مردا» در شمال کرانه‌باختری مسجد «بر الوالدین» را به آتش کشیده‌اند. سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Wählen Sie diese, die berühmteste israelische Moschee in Ihrem Land. ▪ Ein israelischer Garten in der Nähe von Yorsh an einem Ort östlich des „Marda“-Gebiets im Norden von Karana. Wählen Sie die „Bar al-Walidin“-Moschee daneben. Was ist los mit dir? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Mese di novembre israeliano, una moschea è stata distrutta a Bakhtiari ▪ Un gruppo di soldati israeliani è stato avvistato nella parte orientale della regione di Marda, a nord della provincia di Bakhtari, presso il sito della moschea Bar al-Walidain. Cyber ​​​​​​Spagna Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴あなたの国で最も有名なイスラエルのモスク、これを選択してください。 ▪ カラナ北の「マルダ」エリアの東にあるヨルシュ近くのイスラエル庭園。その隣の「バール・アル・ワリディン」モスクを選択します。 どうしたの? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴De beroemdste Israëlische moskee in jouw land, kies deze. ▪ Een Israëlische tuin nabij Yorsh op een plaats ten oosten van het “Marda”-gebied in het noorden van Karana. Kies de “Bar al-Walidin”-moskee ernaast. Wat is er mis met jou? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Το πιο διάσημο ισραηλινό τζαμί στη χώρα σας, επιλέξτε αυτό. ▪ Ένας ισραηλινός κήπος κοντά στο Yorsh σε ένα μέρος ανατολικά της περιοχής "Marda" στα βόρεια της Karana Επιλέξτε το Τζαμί "Bar al-Walidin" δίπλα του. Τι σου συμβαίνει; ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY

1/1/2025, 9:49:24 AM
🔴Devot Aharonot, which has the sources of my system: Israel was wounded and wounded by up to 10,000 barrels of fire from a human nerve compound. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
1/1/2025, 1:01:54 PM
Image 2025-01-01T13:01:54
The Directorate of Dr. Ansarinik has joined the #Petrochemistry_Bandar_Imam of Hong Kong. Excellent performance at the end of Bandar Mahshahr and Bandaram for the “Nayrovi Specialized Poetry Education” in Shiraz Azam, which has 80 lessons. Its users are residents of the region. Don't think too much; They are beautiful, they are beautiful, they are beautiful. 🔗 m. My channels What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
1/1/2025, 12:27:03 PM
🚫Iraq: If we don't want anything to do, we won't be able to study it anymore. 18 Rose Minister of Foreign Affairs of America or Ministers of Foreign Affairs 5 + 1 plural of what this understanding is with one hand, why is this a matter of time between two regulatory bodies and institutions that we have not agreed upon? What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
1/1/2025, 12:45:31 PM
🚫Sardar Ahmad Moghaddam: The election of Trump has the title of President of the American Republic, Frater, and his expectations. Head of Daneshgah High Defense, which emerged among the militias of Palestine, the resistance and organization of Novin Jehani: The Russian and Ukrainian borders are facing East and West instead of the other. They end in a square that is not cool, but the edge is west, so that NATO can cover it for a long time. Changes in the field in 2024 are for the benefit of Russia, and what will happen in Astana is that the consensus has been made, and there are many expectations and weapons shooting in the West. The year 2024 occurred during an incident on the front of the resistance front, which is the axis of resistance, against Hamas and Islamic Jihad against Ansar Allah Yemen. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
1/1/2025, 1:00:34 PM
Image 2025-01-01T13:00:34
🔴Bringing the card to Iran and visiting it outside the Republic of Azerbaijan ▪ It was transferred from a report, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Seyyed Jafar Aghaei Marian, Iran’s temporary guard in Baku, went to the Ministry for clarifications about it. ▪ This is a great trend in the flow of your life on December 29th in Ardabil, Burgazar and the sound of the name of the Islamic Republic of Iran is very strong, with the Republic of Azerbaijan and its inspiration Aliyaf, head of the “Ana Koshur” group, has become very weak! What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY