🔴Correction of Qatnamah, the name of Israel.
A general assembly, unanimously agreed upon by many, issued 137 concurring opinions, and the Zionist regime decided to correct it in response.
What's wrong with you?
🔴تصویب قطعنامهای دیگر علیه اسرائیل
▪مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل متحد با اکثریت قاطع ۱۳۷ رأی موافق، قطعنامهای را علیه رژیم صهیونیستی تصویب کرد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Correção de Qatnamah, o nome de Israel.
- Uma assembleia geral que concordou por unanimidade, emitiu por unanimidade 137 pareceres concordantes, e o regime sionista decidiu corrigi-lo em resposta.
O que você tem?
🔴Corrección de Qatnamah, el nombre de Israel.
- Una asamblea general que estuvo de acuerdo por unanimidad, emitió por unanimidad 137 votos concurrentes, y el régimen sionista decidió corregirlo en respuesta.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Исправление Катнамы, имени Израиля.
- Генеральная ассамблея, которая единогласно согласилась, единогласно вынесла 137 совпадающих мнений, и сионистский режим решил исправить это в ответ.
Что с тобой не так?
🔴इज़राइल के बारे में एक और जानकारी सही करें
▪संयुक्त धर्म महासभा ने 137 सदस्यों के बहुमत से ज़ायोनी शासन को मंजूरी दी।
साइबर स्पेन पासदारन 👇🏻
🔴Correction de Qatnamah, le nom d'Israël.
- Une assemblée générale qui a accepté à l'unanimité a émis 137 avis concordants, et le régime sioniste a décidé de corriger cela en réponse.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴تصویب قطعنامهای دیگر علیه اسرائیل
▪مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل متحد با اکثریت قاطع ۱۳۷ رأی موافق، قطعنامهای را علیه رژیم صهیونیستی تصویب کرد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Korrektur von Qatnamah, dem Namen Israels.
- Eine Generalversammlung, die einstimmig zustimmte, gab einstimmig 137 übereinstimmende Meinungen ab, und das zionistische Regime beschloss, als Reaktion darauf eine Korrektur vorzunehmen.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴Correzione di Qatnamah, il nome di Israele.
- Un'assemblea generale che ha concordato all'unanimità, ha espresso all'unanimità 137 opinioni concordanti e il regime sionista ha deciso di correggerle in risposta.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴Correctie van Qatnamah, de naam van Israël.
- Een algemene vergadering die het er unaniem mee eens was, bracht unaniem 137 overeenstemmende meningen uit, en het zionistische regime besloot dit als reactie daarop te corrigeren.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴Διόρθωση του Qatnamah, του ονόματος του Ισραήλ.
- Μια γενική συνέλευση που ομόφωνα συμφώνησε, εξέδωσε ομόφωνα 137 σύμφωνες απόψεις και το Σιωνιστικό καθεστώς αποφάσισε να τη διορθώσει ως απάντηση.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/30/2024, 6:24:49 PM
🔴English language in the security service: The Houthi campaigns are being directed by Iran and Iran must return.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 6:25:34 PM
🔴Change the doctor in Iran now
Ahmadian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Amman, said: With the work of the people of Syria with a Zionist diet, a new resistance has been generated, so why don't you take it for your sake?
On the basis of the monk's view, a coup, change in the dictatorship of Iran, finding a need for it.
Iran is here to share all the understandings between Muscat and the other side of the country in exchange for a recent decision that includes undertakings to take action.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Amman: Links to the courtyard on the roof of the courtyard and other topics on various topics.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 6:53:48 PM
🔴In Palestine, on the morning of Imruz, you will be in your month of Ramadan. These works on the outskirts of Gaza are the target of campaign campaigns. Take your decision.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 7:32:37 PM
🔴The text of the Ukrainian television is very visible when the phone is not connected to the Russian language.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 7:55:13 PM
Nouri Al-Maliki: He is definitely against the dissolution of the Popular Mobilization Forces
🔹Nouri al-Maliki, head of the “State of Law” coalition and former Minister of Iraq, Shamjah Imroz Dushanbe, confirms that he is against the dissolution of the PMF’s rule.
🔹Al-Maliki reported on the Iraq News Network: A joke about the dissolution of the Popular Mobilization Forces, the response of their brothers; The leader of the mobilization has an official command that has been issued under a decree, and the decree of every armed party is a final decision.
🔹And with a reference to the fact that there is a mechanism for controlling a portable weapon and a weapon only at the end of the country, a Kurdish statement: It is in Syria, there is no need to ignore the introductions here. How long have you been thinking about it?
🔹Al-Maliki stated that there is a Zionist regime, but after the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, they said, “Go back to Damascus.” They said, “This is the current regime in Lebanon that is under siege.”
What's wrong with you?