🔴The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 400 tanks, 400 tanks, 100 tons of Khodroi Nizamian and 3 Khodroi Zahreh units were destroyed in 24 hours.
What's wrong with you?
🔴وزارت دفاع روسیه: تلفات نیروهای اوکراینی در محور کورسک طی 24 ساعت گذشته بیش از 400 سرباز، يک تانک، دو خودروی نظاميان پیاده و 3 خودروی زرهی بوده است.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Ministério da Defesa da Rússia: danos ao centro nervoso ucraniano no eixo Kursk durante 24 horas, incluindo 400 tanques, dois veículos Khodroi Nizamian e 3 unidades Khodroi Zhareh.
O que você tem?
🔴El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia: daños en el centro neurálgico ucraniano en el eje Kursk durante 24 horas, incluidos 400 tanques, dos vehículos Khodroi Nizamian y 3 unidades Khodroi Zhareh.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Министерство обороны России: ущерб украинскому нервному центру на курском направлении за 24 часа, в том числе 400 танков, две машины «Ходрой Низамян» и 3 подразделения «Ходрой Жаре».
Что с тобой не так?
🔴रूस का रक्षा मंत्रालय: 24 घंटों के लिए कुर्स्क अक्ष पर यूक्रेनी तंत्रिका केंद्र को नुकसान, जिसमें 400 टैंक, दो खोड्रोई निज़ामियन वाहन और 3 खोड्रोई ज़रेह इकाइयां शामिल हैं।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴Le Ministère de la Défense de Russie : dégâts au centre névralgique ukrainien sur l'axe de Koursk pendant 24 heures, dont 400 chars, deux véhicules Khodroi Nizamian et 3 unités Khodroi Zhareh.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴وزارت دفاع روسیه: تلفات نیروهای اوکراینی در محور کورسک طی 24 ساعت گذشته بیش از 400 سرباز، يک تانک، دو خودروی نظاميان پیاده و 3 خودروی زرهی بوده است.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Das russische Verteidigungsministerium: Schäden am ukrainischen Nervenzentrum auf der Kursk-Achse für 24 Stunden, darunter 400 Panzer, zwei Khodroi Nizamian-Fahrzeuge und 3 Khodroi Zhareh-Einheiten.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴Ministero della Difesa russo: danni al centro nevralgico ucraino sull'asse Kursk per 24 ore, inclusi 400 carri armati, due veicoli Khodroi Nizamian e 3 unità Khodroi Zhareh.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴Het Ministerie van Defensie van Rusland: schade aan het Oekraïense zenuwcentrum op de Koersk-as gedurende 24 uur, waaronder 400 tanks, twee Khodroi Nizamian-voertuigen en 3 Khodroi Zhareh-eenheden.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴Το Υπουργείο Άμυνας της Ρωσίας: βλάβη στο ουκρανικό νευρικό κέντρο στον άξονα Κουρσκ για 24 ώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων 400 τανκς, δύο οχημάτων Khodroi Nizamian και 3 μονάδων Khodroi Zhareh.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/17/2024, 8:22:03 AM
🔴 She visited outside Iran: 99 to monitor the weapons of the Zionist regime, including America and the Germans, and to stop crimes and stop sending these weapons as soon as possible.
What's wrong with you?
12/17/2024, 8:26:24 AM
🎥 Mehrdad Darvishpour wants you to know about the shows of the homeland of Faroushaneh, the head of Farah’s notebook, the Khastar regime’s campaign in Iran, very much in love!
Darvishpour was a political activist on the Zinda Television program of the US Foreign Ministry:
🔺Netanyahu is in the middle of a doomed sect between the sects and a dictatorial regime that has imposed a harsh message on the Islamic Republic. This is definitely the issue!
🔺A type of garden medium that has an input to the Tram and Israel systems.
America has a Kurdish campaign, no democrats, and no Azadi; What is Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries like that?
What's wrong with you?
12/18/2024, 5:42:34 AM
🎥 Against the illusions of the Washington calendar, the hypocrisy and the Iranian energy standard are upon Iran!
🔶 “Youssef Aziz” is a public alarmist policy maker in America: It is strange that Russia has made such a statement about American threats against him. Zionism is the source of Iran's Iranian program only, as we can use the establishments of Iran only if you bypass the Zionist regime on the hot seat.
What's wrong with you?
12/17/2024, 9:53:44 AM
A police officer for a bribe of millions has been returned.
🔹Head of the Tehran Police Department: District 23 of the Tehran Police Department in Bazargarah has decided to stop the 1,300-cc motor of the public systems in Bazargarah. Mehndi.
🔹Ranand Motor for the purpose of this constitution, there is a bribe of 1,350 dollars, a complete price and a new vehicle.
🔹The police officer is not responsible for taking bribes, a crime accused by the Kurdish media and the Motor Company in choosing a police officer who is not responsible for the payment of bribes.
What's wrong with you?
12/17/2024, 9:56:31 AM
🎥 Jordan, Israel, Zionist Diet; I am extremely disapproving of the positions of the Zionist’s security advisor regarding the possibility of the fall of the Padshah of Jordan!
🔻 The head of the Shin Bet Shin Bet and the head of the Zionist regime’s press conference with Jordanian shrines!
Network news:
🔻 The current situation in the country is that the Syrian transformations are an effective source of dissent in Jordan, and the government of Jordan is like Syria, the fall of Canada; In Israel, there is a lot of talk and talk about this issue!
What's wrong with you?